ComplianceCloud LMS
eLearning.net is your one stop full-service training compliance solution
Managing Compliance
Does your organization require employees, contractors, supplier organizations, and vendors comply with your unique policies or other regulations?
Do you need to deploy company-specific policy training to stakeholders around the country or the world? eLearning.net is your compliance enablement solution. We have the technical and human resources necessary to get the job done.

Obtain Signed Compliance Attestations

Stream Custom Courses & Track Completions

World Class Support & Compliance Enablement
ComplianceCloud LMS Features
- Obtain Attestations: Obtain signed attestations from authorized representatives (usually executive level) indicating that they are committed to delivering training to employees who will work on your company’s projects or other matters.
- Stream Your Custom Training Content: Training managers can register their employees using our Compliance Cloud LMS, or we can stream your courses from our platform to multiple LMS systems through a simple SCORM-compliant process.
- ComplianceCloud LMS Data Hub: Whether course content is delivered through your LMS, our Compliance Cloud LMS, or ANY SCORM-compliant LMS, ALL course completion data is tracked and reportable via eLearning.net’s Data Hub.
- ComplianceCloud LMS API: Automatically feed compliance training completion data directly from our system to yours through our safe and secure application programming interface (API).
- Customizable Course Library: eLearning.net offers a library of customizable compliance courses, including Supplier Code of Conduct, Sexual Harassment and Anti-Discrimination, Workplace Drug and Alcohol testing policies, and other subjects. Customize the lessons to fit your company’s unique policy requirements, processes, branding, and more!
- 3rd Party Compliance Auditing: eLearning.net will collect, track, and report compliance data as a neutral outside 3rd party.
- Live Technical Support: Through online technical support chat and outbound supplier outreach, we provide the support you and your stakeholders need to ensure maximum compliance.
- Global Support: Our platform and training content support 26 different languages.
ComplianceCloud LMS Benefits
- Just ONE Training Platform: Training managers throughout your organization, including contractors, suppliers, and vendors, are enabled to create and manage learner groups and assign courses to their employees. This helps maximize flexibility for stakeholders who may not have a learning management system.
- Easy Plug-and-Play Systems Integration: Larger stakeholders with an LMS system can assign your proprietary course to their employees just like any other course and then feed the completion data back to our system quickly and easily.
Curious about how ComplianceCloud LMS can work for you?
Schedule a quick consultation to find out.