personal elearning journals

Personal eLearning Journals: Challenge #127

Demo Instructions

Click Launch Demo to see the Storyline example in action.  To see and use the journal, simply click the “Journal” button in the bottom right corner of the player. Your notes are added and saved to the journal from any page in the course you visit. A scroll bar appears automatically if you enter more text than can fit on the page. personal elearning journals

About this Week’s Challenge personal elearning journals

This weeks Articulate eLearning Heroes challenge was to incorporate a personal eLearning journal into a custom training example. For our entry, we created a fully custom 3D office environment environment (using Maya from Autodesk) including a photo-realistic looking paper journal. When learners click on the “journal” button, a spiral bound paper journal slides in from the right. From there, learners can type their own personal notes specific to the content they just learned. The print button allows learners to print out their notes for future reference.

What we like about this particular challenge is this quote from David Anderson, who issues these weekly challenges and who is an extremely talented eLearning designer and pioneer in his own right:

For many learners, the e-learning course is just another workplace hurdle they need to overcome before they can focus on their “real work.” What are some ways course designers can keep learners focused and engaged without over-complicating the development process?

We couldn’t agree more. eLearning should not be a chore that employees have to suffer through. By making eLearning fun, artfully designed, professionally produced, and including tools that empower the learner, training becomes less of a chore and more of a pleasure.  We hope you like our entry to this week’s challenge and are inspired to create new and different features within your future eLearning projects. personal elearning journals

Should you ever need a hand, simply give us a call at 866-771-4449. We are always ready and available to help!

See Examples from Other Heroes



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